structure array

英 [ˈstrʌktʃə(r) əˈreɪ] 美 [ˈstrʌktʃər əˈreɪ]

网络  结构数组; 构架数组; 结构体数组; 结构阵列; 结构列阵



  1. Just as you did when creating the instances, structure this array by the bundle type.
  2. A structure is an array of views, and a view is an array of cells.
  3. Since the TMC2 fields are all of fixed length, the unpack command is used to parse the structure into an array.
  4. This code is taken from a performance test example which uses Java serialization to convert a result data structure into an array of bytes, and then returns that array as an attachment.
  5. Reference to a structure or an array element
  6. From magnetic circuit, carving up a traditional magnetic core into array structure, an array decoupling integrated inductance is presented.
  7. Most programming languages support a more complex data structure called an array ( Fig. 8.2).
  8. A circuit structure with systolic array is introduced in this paper in order to accelerate the speed of matrix inversion, which is quite prone to implement.
  9. I manufactured the distribution of the tenth Five-Year Plan Strong motion networks including the fixed stations, intensity array, active faults array, the structure array, attenuation array.
  10. Structure Designation of Array Acoustic Wave Generator and Antiscaling Experimental Studies
  11. The structure of industry array nail machine, the working process and some related parameters is presented.
  12. A Novel Mirror Structure for Array Cavity Mirror and Array Servo Mirror Used in Inertial Confinement Fusion
  13. Photonic crystals are a dielectric structure periodic array in another dielectric structure, it is a man-made material.
  14. This paper introduces a new structure of numeral multilier: using one-level logic gate structure to realize array numeral multiplier, and using cmos technology to realize 8 × 8 ultraspeed array numeral multiplier with a new structure.
  15. In this paper we present a new algorithm to locate all maximal tandem repeats in DNA sequence, which is based on a simple data structure called suffix array.
  16. The main research content includes: research of structure array analysis theory;
  17. The architecture of real time image processing as pipeline structure, massive array and linear array processing, as well as the image understanding system structures, are discussed and compared.
  18. Based on the summarization of the main types of nappe structure array, this article discusses the main features of the Beishan scaly imbrication nappe structure in Xinjiang.
  19. Designed and realized the data structure of disk array, how to organize the share memory of disk array.
  20. The article introduces the challenge that the storage system is facing and the blocking problem of the I/ O system. It also discusses and compares the different disk array technologies. It's the key gives us Upright-Cross structure and Crosshatch structure disk array technologies.
  21. To increase the fill factor of CCD image sensor greatly, the structure of microlens array matched with the CCD is designed and compared with the experimental results.
  22. Modal Analysis of Periodic Structure and Solar Array Wing
  23. The Efficient Structure of Array Processing in FORTRAN
  24. According to the analysis, these dimensions of the reinforced soft soil diminish in different degrees, which indicate that the distribution area of porosity decreases, the structure units array more tightly, the porosity size distribution becomes uniform, and the edge of porosity turns smooth.
  25. The theory of the ESPRIT DOA estimation algorithm is analyzed detail, its basic idea is estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance subspace. It is required that the geometric structure of array is invariant.
  26. Researched and analysed broadband frequency domain constant beamwidth beamforming of linear array and arbitrary structure array, simulated and verified correctness of the methods. 4.
  27. The result of the test proved the new electrode and corrosion groove structure could optimize array device cooling capacity and optimize device quality light output.
  28. Several critical technologic problems of simulation system of phased array radar are discussed in this paper, Firstly, transmission and processing procedure of signal in the phased array radar system are analyzed and the simulation systemic modular structure of phased array radar is founded.
  29. Then discussed the sequential structure, cascade structure, parallel structure and the array structure of common FFT hardware and this design chose the sequential structure according to the requirements of low power.
  30. Read STEP information line by line by information retrieval class and stored in a structure array to determine whether a collision interference in the face of constraints exist.